Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Are you yet living?


I am actually alive.

Alive and working.

A lot.

Like a lot more than ever before.

Like every time I ever said "wow I'm busy!" in the past . . . NO! Actually, I wasn't.

Blogging is not so much on my schedule these days. I will be back in action soon, though.

I leave for The Disney World Wedding of a Lifetime in one week exactly.

And can I just say something?

You clients of mine: YOU TOTALLY ROCK MY WORLD!

Glad I got that off my chest! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow you look like you Ma Ma in this picture. I hadn't visited your website in a while and was thinking of you today. I just love your work. Your very proud Auntie Gwyn. Miss and love you....



About Me

775.830.1065. http://www.emilyloftus.com http://www.emilyloftus.blogspot.com Native of Reno, NV. Portrait Photographer. Mother. Wife. Big dreams.