It's Thursday. Oopsie.
So I pass the time with chicken tenders and the remnants of a delicious bottle of BBQ sauce. Today, for me, BBQ sauce is the answer. Not for any particular reason, other than the fact that it's really good. BBQ Sauce and Missy Higgins. If you're not familiar - run and download. Please.
Okay, so the title: I know, Christmas isn't coming right this minute, but I'm already feeling the pinch. Calls are rolling in and weekends are filling up. I just booked a session for October today, and one for November yesterday. Next weekend I have an event that I expect will completely fill my available weekend days for holiday sessions, so now is the time to call!
If you are interested in Christmas cards this is the week to book. Here's what I am offering, now through September 12th. Give me a call, book your session, and pay in full and I'll include 25 flat 4.5x5 Christmas cards with your paid session fee. That's only this coming week, though, so if you're interested now is the time!
I am still a busy little bee, trying to keep up with all of the super fun, super crazy sessions you wonderful folks have been sending my way. I am more grateful than you know!
Here's a little peek of what I have been up to since my last post:
Beautiful 3 month old sprite. Expect to see more of her adorable little fauxhawk.

One of the most delicious babies EVER. My sister said, upon seeing this photo, "Pass me the BBQ sauce!" Apparently I'm not the only one who appreciates that delicious condiment.
He is 7 weeks old, and slept like a newborn for me. In an interesting turn of events, none of my newborns last week slept - like - at all. :)

More for the dance studio. We tied the Aerial Silks fabric in a beautiful tree, and Lindsy did the rest of the work. There are so many photos from this session, and I could probably write an entire post about just this one, but this will suffice for today. I do not take credit for the idea at all. It was all her.

Probably the most photogenic girl EVER. This is another session I could talk about all day.

Crazy shenanegins with a super fun little boy. Another Jeffery Pine lover.

How 'bout that hat? I photographed this one in between clothing changes and it just kind of worked out, don't you think?

Tootsies! This little man was previously seen in a bathtub, looking adorable and chubby. Now he's grown up, and has a brand new little brother to tend to.

I didn't mean for most of these to be b&ws, it just worked out that way.
There's so much to tell and so little time to tell it.
Stay tuned for more.
In the future I'll be blogging about:
Kids Cancer Awareness event this weekend
My VIP event next weekend
More new babies
The completed dance studio display
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